Saturday, May 26, 2007

Summer Ball (May 26th)

Fantastic event in the superb Chateau de Fontainebleau!!! My friend Laurent and his wife Amanda were visiting from Montreal and we all had a blast!!! Wish my lovely girlfriend had been there as well...

The party was very "chic"...

Well, for the most part anyway...

We had a nice breakfast served at 4:30 AM...

Here's a picture of some of the 5:30 AM "survivors"...

Yes, as you can see, it wasn't too dark when we made it home...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Seems like geek day everday Charlie??? Thank goodness your lovely girlfriend isn't there to witness the debauchery!
Hope all is well buddy..its nice to see you're doing well. Keep in touch and good luck!